
This hero is one of the strongest late-game with the proper items. Early-game he is paper though. You are the pure carry of your team and if you have decent teammates they would know that you need items to be of much use mid-game and end-game. And needs to farm for more gold to increase his dps potential.

Carry Farmer - Ganker:
After purchasing Diffusal Blade this hero becomes a decent ganker. With slow and purge this hero becomes a slowing machine. Gank with the assistance of other gankers, of course. Try to find the right mix of farming creeps and heroes. Farm most of the time but assist your teammates in ganking if the opportunity arises. You owe it to them for letting you farm your first most important item, that is DB.

During end-game this hero is one of the most feared. With Mana Burn and Radiance, this hero would be hard to ignore. Do not over rely on your doppelwalk for your survival. If you don't have at least a Vanguard you are easily f***ed by gem. If your enemy has gem don't escape via invisibility, rather, run with all your illusions at the same time and try to mislead them to following an illusion and you going the other way.

Item build:


You need to attack fast and the +8 agi and attackspeed from treads adds to your farming ability especially against neutral camps and increases your spirit lance damage thru illusion attacks. You need to attack fast to be able to quickly generate illusions around him. This is a no brainer, I shouldn't have elaborated on this.

Poor Man's Shield allows you to farm neutrals with relative ease. You won't be needing to tango too much just to farm neutrals with this item.

Ring of Basilius gives you decent regenaration and armor. One of the best early game items.

Diffusal Blade gives PL what he needs early: extra mana for casting spells, high agility for you and your illusions, and the purge ability. This item allows you to participate in ganks. The mana burn especially from the illusion spawned from casting spirit lance would be a great nuisance for your opposing enemies early game. Many heroes without enough mana early game are useless. A PL with DB early scares the hell out of opposing heroes.

What's the use of having great dps if you're gonna die in 3 seconds just from chaos damage. Vanguard is a decent solution for that. Allows you to stay longer through skirmishes and clashes to be able to produce more and more illusions and to be able to deal more damage. Sell PMS when buying this.

Radiance is the ultimate item for this hero. Some would even rush it early just to be able to improve his killing and farming. Some can, some can't. If you try go for it early and get ganked a few times early with just the use of the cheap DoA, then you are f***ed. If you can, then, by all means, go for it. If not, go for my safer build route.

Extension builds are up to you. That's where your creativity and good assessment of the situation should come into place.

Honorable Mention:
This is a decent end-game item for PL. Upgrade RoB to this if you want. Remember this item sucks early game. Get it only if your damage is good enough to be able to lifesteal a decent amount of hp. Usually Vanguard is already enough survival early game.

If your illusions easily go down from opponents AoE skills, then, this item can get you back on track real nicely. Lost your illusions? Click and "Walah!" instant pair of illusions. The Yasha component is also nice.

The best agi item to improve you and your illusions. This used to be the best end-game agi item on DOTA. Guess what? It still very much is. 30% Evasion is huge, plus you get high armor and great damage and, have i mentioned the Evasion?

Skill build:

Lvl 1 Spirit Lance
Lvl 2 Doppelwalk
Lvl 3 Spirit Lance
Lvl 4 Juxtapose
Lvl 5 Spirit Lance
Lvl 6 Phantom Edge
Lvl 7 Spirit Lance
Lvl 8 Juxtapose
Lvl 9 Juxtapose
Lvl 10 Doppelwalk
Lvl 11 Phantom Edge
Lvl 12 Juxtapose
Lvl 13 Doppelwalk
Lvl 14 Doppelwalk
Lvl 15 Stats
Lvl 16 Phantom Edge
Lvl 17 - 25 Stats

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