There has been a Observer/Sentry wards bug discovered in Dota 6.70c map which allows you to restock a single ward into two. This major exploit is working on all the previous versions of DotA including the stable 6.69c. It is very simple to reproduce it in a real game with the help of courier and it can be game-breaking at some point. Check the DotA 6.70c bug video & it’s guide.
DotA 6.70c Wards Bug:
1. Buy an item courier & 5 Ironwood Branches.Note:
2. Summon courier and give all 5 Ironwood branches to it.
3. Now buy Observer/Sentry wards and another Ironwood branch on your hero.
4. Plant the first Observer/Sentry ward and give the second ward to the courier (make sure it goes in right last inventory slot of courier)
5. Drop Ironwood Branch from your hero that you bought in Step#3.
6. Select courier hold [Shift] and pick Ironwood Branch and instantly click “Change Courier type”.
7 .The wards will appear as a Book Rune just pick it using your hero
8. Voila! Free unlimited wards!
• This bug also works with Flying Courier.
• Use it at your own risk, Using this in leagues/tournaments will get you disqualified.
There is big chance that IceFrog may release DotA 6.70d to fix this bug, Keep visiting DotA-Utilities for more updates!